Stop it. Now.
We all know that high gas prices suck. No one likes paying more for anything - ever - and especially not when they deem it a necessity. But honestly, I am already sick of the absurd glut of human interest pieces being foisted on me by EVERY SINGLE G.D. NEWSPAPER IN THE WORLD! None of you are innocent, reporters and columnists all! I know you all have some gas-prices sob-story half written on your stupid little notepads! Do yourself a favor and throw them away right now. That shit is just not news. As a matter of fact, I am also sick of ALL the reporting on gas prices that I have to wade through every day. Editors, do you really think anyone is interested in reading the same "Expensive Gas is Crummy and Getting Crummier" headline 9 times a week, and then flipping to a page full of know-it-all smarmy columnists writing about how if only, oh if only, people owned sweet hybrids like them, everything would be cool? It's like I'm watching MTV circa 1994, except Beavis and Butthead have been replaced by Dan Froomkin and Tom effing Friedman. ![]() TF: Yeah. We need, like, a solution! Heh-heh. DF: Shut up, asswipe! Huh-huh. People, like, can't buy other stuff. That suuuucks! TF: The earth is flat, dumbass! Yeah! Kickass! Heh-heh DF: Huh-huh. You don't know what the hell you are talking about. Huh-huh. TF: Hey Froomkin, you're a wus! Heh-heh. Read my book! Yeah! Kickass! Lame. |