Yeah. It's a windmill pun. Deal with it.
Ted Kennedy can blow me. Everyone's favorite liberal icon is opposed to the world's largest wind energy project. Yeah, THAT Ted Kennedy... He's against it because he might have to look at the windmills from his back porch on Cape Cod. I mean, who wouldn't sacrifice a few hunderd megawatts of clean energy for a view of Nantucket Sound? Suckers, that's who. This, from the man who defined the Massachusetts liberal caricature. I thought he gay-married the lefty movement the minute it became legal. I was even told that not selling out was included in the wedding vows. But then again, wedding vows don't really mean anything anymore. And they certainly don't mean forever. Seriously though, here we have a politician who has made his career sticking up for workers, women, civil rights - all those issues. His record is nothing to joke about, and he's accomplished a lot with some pretty deft politiking. But when you get elected talking about good government and energy independence and environmental health, YOU CAN'T KILL LANDMARK WIND PROJECTS IN BACKROOM SENATE DEALS. It's totally in the Constitution, or at least one of the Federalist Papers (I think #59). Anyway, Greenpeace is calling bullshit: Kennedy literally rode his brother's coattails into a giftwrapped Senate seat, and at first was regarded as kind of a joke. He's turned that around and made some great contributions since then. But if he doesn't watch where he steps, he is going to leave the Senate the same way he came into it. A bit of a joke. |