I learned it from watching you
![]() Well, the Council takes on serious "Issue of Its Time" kinda causes and then develops a really good ad campaign. Pro bono. I mean, you remember all the ads up top, right? Yeah. Well, they've decided that global warming is the Issue of Its Time, and hence, produced a really, really good ad campaign. Pretty wild. But as good as the ads are, the decision to take them on means even more. Look at the issues the Council has taken on in the past. Forest fires. Drugs. Minority education. Drunk driving. The decision to take on global warming as the current focus of the Council puts global warming on that same level. This can be seen as a watershed of sorts. Bescause even though global warming is as important as any of the others (if not more), it has not gotten the same recognition in the media. I am not saying that the Ad Council gives it any more weight or gravitas. Rather, I am saying that the Ad Council's decision reveals the weight and gravitas it already has. |