Thursday, April 06, 2006

It answers me before I even ask

The other day, I was dicussing the finer points of selling out. Someone, hereafter known as Hirsch, quickly pointed out that there is no selling out any more. Everything is sold before is even comes out. Like The Concretes, who he first heard on that sweet Target commercial (you know the one...). He liked their sound, and wanted to find out who the band was. He Googled a line from the song, expecting links to one of those sing365 lyric sites or something like that, which would lead him to the name of the band.

Instead, the interweb actually addressed his question directly. In its current live/2.0/user-driven version, it apparently anticipates our questions and answers them before we even ask.

And this is not just some fluke. Last night at Ike's, a group of at least 8 people were tearing their hair trying to remember the name of that white horse in The Neverending Story. You had Atreu (who clearly grew up to be in a hair metal cover band), Falcor the Luck Dragon (who looked like some kind of dog-fish mutant hybrid), and then the white horse that sank in the swamp becasue he wasn't happy enough or something). But what was his name? I mean, the kid called it out like three dozen times as he was sinking. Powerful....

Anyway, I dutifully went home and Googled it up, expecting to find the answer on IMDB or some crazy NES fansite. But the first search result was actually a direct response to our exact question. So there was a whole website devoted specifically to answering this one question. Just for us.

Oh Google, how you walk that fine line between trusted friend and big brother.