Friday, April 28, 2006


Somebody please help me. Because I am surrounded by myopic politicians with no vision and a penchant for pandering the worst sort of hysteria.

I am referring, of course, to the lather that Congress has worked itself into over gas prices. It is true that Americans are paying more at the pump, and not one of them enjoys spending the extra cash. But they are dealing with it. This country has emerged intact from depressions, wars, and Milli Vanilli. I think we can get through this as well.

But here in Capital City, USA, nothing gets politicians thinking votes like the price of gas. As the bloviation reaches fever pitch, some real dingers have blown out from in between the marble columns of the Capitol and White House. So let's indulge ourselves and take a quick tour of the ideas coming from our fearless leaders in Washington D.C.
  1. Investigate price gouging - Last time I checked we still lived in a capitalist economy. Back in the 80s and 90s, our government decided it didn't like public ownership of utilities and deregulated both infrastructure and operations. That means oil companies are supposed to make profits. They can charge whatever the market will bear. While it is illegal to take advantage of disasters or other events to drive prices, the only real check on the price of a fill up is competition from the guy across the street. Say it with me: Supply and demand. It's like ECON 101...
  2. Weaken clean air standards - Because, you know, if you can't have cheap fuel, clean air is pretty worthless.
  3. Repeal the gas tax - Hey, I have an idea! Let's spend $6 billion and reduce the incentive to conserve! Brilliant! I am actually ashamed that this little nugget of legislative prowess comes from my very own Demo-crackhead Senator Bob Menendez. While the last transportation bill was rife with pounds and pounds of fine Alaska pork, as it is we don't have the money we need to build out our transportation system. The gas tax funds our transportation system. Hmmmm.... That could be problematic. You know, we GAVE you that Senate seat, Menendez, and we can take it right back.
  4. $100 gas rebates funded by Arctic drilling - Ok, this is just petty. This is Frist's brilliant plan to make the Dems look bad. I can see the press release now: DEMOCRATS REJECT GAS REBATE, DRINK BLOOD OF AMERICANS. Really, what good is that extra hundred bucks going to do for most Americans. The cost of an average fill up (I'm estimating 15-20 gal.) is rounding $50. So basically, the trade is two tanks of gas for a redefinition of what "wildlife refuge" means in America. Sounds like a great deal, Billy. I'll pass.
There are dozens of other asinine anodynes out there that don't even warrant mockery. Seriously, though, is this all we can expect from our leaders? Coz I see not one ounce of leadership or vision, or even anything approaching a grip on reality down on the Mall.

Next time: A few ideas...