Friday, May 12, 2006

Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

From today's NYT piece about crazy new cocktails the kids are in to...
The pair are currently perfecting two new drinks, a "dirty" martini and a carbonated mojito "espherication." For the martini, they blend olive juice, vermouth and gin with xanthan gum and calcium chloride and drop it into a sodium alginate and water solution to form stable olive-shaped blobs. It is served as a lone olive in an empty glass; it reverts to a liquid state when popped into the mouth. The mojito is made with rum, lime and mint and shaped into a sphere through the same process, then carbonated in a pressurized container filled with carbon dioxide to mimic the bubbly mouth-feel of a real mojito.
Anyone else actually want liquid when they order a drink? Now, if they sold these little orbs of booze in vending machines or something, I might be into it...

UPDATE: Waiter agrees:
"I remember reading an article about avant garde bartenders making drinks into edible cocktails – pastes, beads, and candies that transform back to liquid in your mouth. Ugh. Give me whisky any day."