Thank god for those half-Japanese girls
![]() We loved that show, and every fist pump has stayed with us through every show we've seen since. Perusing the Internets today however, it looks like it all may be over. Our reaction to this is fraught with conflicting emotions. For example, Weezer was emo before emo was cool. Being anything before it is cool demands a little respect. But emo is so uncool that it leaves a big black mark on that achievement. Also - Their first two albums were awesome. But after months of "Weezer returns!" hype, each album since has been so craptastic that we have stopped paying any attention to them at all. We've even heard the term "To cry Weezer" has been adopted by the music industry to mean a band that overhypes its album in an effort to make up for its sheer suckiness. (ex- Man, Arctic Monkeys really cried Weezer, huh?) Sordid history aside, Rivers apparently dished to MTV a few months ago on the future of the band. We'd like to take this opportunity to respond to a few things Cuomo left hanging in the air. On the reason for the breakup: ![]() This is an obvious typo. The phrase "Make Believe back in 2005" should read "Pinkerton back in 1996" On new material: ![]() Right. Coz all your best songs were written when you felt "excited and creative" rather than "depressed and self-loathing". On his new digs: ![]() Ooo. How romantic. Also, nothing screems Weezer to us like a Japanese mega-mall. On what to do with the new material: ![]() No solo career. Thanks. Bye. On the prospects of a greatest hits album: ![]() You already made two GH albums. They were called Weezer and Pinkerton, respectively. |